Tuesday, May 1, 2012

diary - May 1st 2012

It doesn't really seem that long since i posted, but i guess numbers don't lie! Mom and i left Phoenix on the 7:30 evening plane and arrived in Edmonton at 11:30. The flight was good, the trip into the airport with John and Sheri better, and seeing Karen entering the airport lobby just as we picked up our luggage was the best! They loaded our bags (and us) and off to the motel where we were next to the exit door (not far to walk) with a Jacuzzi and a queen bed. Mom and i were too tired to try out the tub, and we slept well. We lazed around abit in the morning, leaving Nisku/Leduc around 11:00 after a hearty brunch at White Spot. Peters' needed to get something at Cabella's, and i went in to look around while Mom stayed on the Envoy. The trip home was good, too, except for the fact that the northbound traffic was stopped for about half an hour on Tower Hill. Although we don't know what happened, we saw a fifth wheel RV with road rash being pulled by a tow truck, and a little later a pick up that looked worse for the wear loaded on a flatbed. With all the traffic on the road, i'm surprised that's all we saw!
We met Mom's sister and her 'new' husband for supper on the way, and had an enjoyable visit and meal. So good get home. The dogs welcomed us royally.

Will continue, so it doesn't get so long.

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